Iowa State Online, a newly formed unit within the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT), officially launched on January 3, 2023, centralizing expertise in online learning and delivery across campus into a single service center. Read more about this in the CELT Teaching Tips and check out our new Iowa State Online website.
The launch of Iowa State Online means that the traditional online support you received from the Brenton Center has moved to CELT/Iowa State Online. The CELT now has units consisting of Course Design and Quality, Enterprise Instructional Technology, Instructor Development, and Iowa State Online.
Current and Prospective Students – Please visit the Iowa State Online webpage or
Faculty and Staff – For instructional support and design, please visit the CELT website and for more information and an FAQ visit CELT Teaching Tip. Our resources continue to be available to all instructors at Iowa State University, with additional CELT service information made available throughout the spring and summer semesters of 2023. Please send any questions to
ISU CALS AgOnline will continue to be available and regularly updated through the transition.
The Brenton Center, a unit overseen by the Department of Agricultural Education and Studies, will be re-evaluated, and restructured based on the needs of the college and its departments.